
With all that is currently happening in the United States and the World today, freedom/liberty lovers that have and will defend her MUST know what, where, when, why, and how, to move forward‼️
One fact is VERY clear. There are factions that currently operate in the United States of America, that want to see our republic fail, they ARE organized and have broad communications with some type of command and control. Freedom and Liberty loving Americans must come together NOW and let their elected officials know, that the Declaration of Independence states they derive their just powers at the ”Consent of the Governed”. Simply put,

Why are we here❓ To bring Freedom and Liberty Loving Patriots together in voice and readiness‼️
It is OUR goal, to bring Freedom and Liberty Loving Patriots together with ways to Communicate, prep for disaster, where to go, what to take with you, who to contact and how, when disaster strikes, and/or when the assembly is needed. To Educate ALL Americans on how to put pressure on our elected officials.
It is our intention to create a “roster” to share with Eventual command-and-control systems.
We have MORE than enough reasons to be afraid of the direction in which our Country is being pushed‼️
With issues like:
- Riots in many American Cities
- Looting in many American Cities
- Coronavirus Lockdowns
- Mask Mandates
- Vaccine Mandates
- Calls to Defund the Police
- Attacks on our 1st and 2nd amendments
- Politicians calling for the “Confronting” of “Conservative” speech
- Politicians calling for “illegal” Immigrants to be given Amnesty
- People calling for the removal of all borders to allow anyone to come into our Country from anywhere
- The Constitutional Rights of the people are attacked on an hourly basis
- Main Stream Media “disinformation” campaigns that echo Dictatorial country’s propaganda efforts
- Groups calling for America to become a Communist Country
- Social Media censorship against all conservative opinions
We MUST be ready to defend our Country in ways that could only be imagined by the “Original” Patriots, that fought for freedom over 240 years ago.
They knew that things could go sideways, so they created guidelines for Citizens of the United States to follow when the time comes. One of the most significant of these guidelines is written into the Declaration of Independence, paragraph 2, from 1776 which reads: “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” WE ARE THE GOVERNED THAT GIVES THEM CONSENT‼️
What we are witnessing, is the factions PURPOSEFULLY trying to tear the United States down‼️
- We must Organize Freedom Loving Patriots, in order to be ready in force when the need arises.
- We must Advise Freedom Loving Patriots of their Constitutional rights.
- We must Advise Patriots of what they must have to communicate when the NORMAL systems become inoperative.
- We must Advise Freedom Loving Patriots on what is needed to protect themselves, their families and their Country.
- We created FORUMS on this site to allow Freedom Loving Patriot Members to discuss matters with other “like-minded” individuals.
This site is NOT asking Freedom and Liberty Loving Patriots to “PAY” to register or to give ANY of their personal information (other than what is needed to communicate.)
Please Register and Share this site to help us grow‼️