
Home Forums 3: The Issues in America Invasion

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  • #8182

    Going over these past few days, the chaos at the border, the invasion, flood of illegals, every corner of this country and of the world is in chaos, no thanks to the father of chaos, Satan. It has been his design from the beginning when he was cast out of heaven and caused the first creations of God to sin and fall from grace, to continue his corruption throughout the world. This is a spiritual war, this is where we need to get back to God and to ask His help so that we can win this battle. Without God in this fight with us, we will lose. God can give power and protection only to those that follow and serve Him. We need to do that now. If we are to get our country back, then we need to humble ourselves, ask forgiveness of our sins, for not putting Him first in our lives, to guide us and help us. He will lead us to victory as long as we let Him lead the battle. So armor up under the banner of Jesus Christ, so we can get our country back.

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