Reply To: Pontifications about George Soros and the Ruling Classes Of the US,Europe etc.

Home Forums 1: The Patriot Lodge Pontifications about George Soros and the Ruling Classes Of the US,Europe etc. Reply To: Pontifications about George Soros and the Ruling Classes Of the US,Europe etc.


What is the primary failure, that time and time again, we fail to prevent evil men from amassing both power and immunity,and excercising control? And has the internet,while connected everyone, also by allowing everyone to be monitored inevitably placed us into a cycle of control which this time for the first time in history..we might not be able to break? The more i see, the more i know,the more i understand..or at least think i know and understand. The less i want to. The more i am forced to question, if we are , 98% or more of the global population in agreement of what evil is and does.. why does it perpetuate. Is the primary flaw that just about anyone and everyone can be corrupted and coerced? ” I dont like it,but it pays well and has its benefits for me and mine, so i dont fight it” ? “If i do not comply, i alone cannot stand against the machine,and will be crushed,and because i am not free, i cannot ask who would stand with me?”

/Jon Kovach

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