Election 2020

Home Forums 1: The Patriot Lodge Election 2020

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    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    Joe Biden selected Kamala Harris as his VP running mate.

    This choice really shows that how desperate the campaign is. In the Democratic debates she showed her distain for the man and accused him of many wrong-doings.

    The Democrat party is going to do everything in their power to keep Joe Biden from answering any questions.

    It’s clear to me after caring for my father with dementia, that this man is going down that same road. He is not fit to be president of the United States!

    President Donald Trump will expose the Democrat parties ambitions to the American public and the world.

    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    Speaking for myself… I am glad the Democratic Convention is over.

    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    A vote for the ANY Democrat this year, is a vote for Socialism‼️ WE MUST VOTE ALL REPUBLICAN DOWN THE BALLOT IN NOVEMBER to STOP the destruction of our GREAT COUNTRY‼️

    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    The Democrat have shown they will STOP AT NOTHING to take the White House away from President Trump‼️

    Now WE WAIT‼️

    Boxes of Ballots showing up late to the counting facilities as well as “ZIP DRIVES” is a CLEAR showing of CHEATING‼️

    Be ready Patriots, we may need to defend our Country from the Tyrants that wish to steal the election‼️


    Here is a link to my latest video which addresses election fraud in Pennsylvania.



    This seems to be one of the technical experts providing information to Sidney Powell.  The best is in the last half.



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