Ellis Island (Welcome Postings)

Home Forums 1: The Patriot Lodge Ellis Island (Welcome Postings)

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  • #511

    Welcome to the Patriot Roster! Post a little something about yourself here!


    I’ll Start, for an example. Minuteman Cory here, I am currently closing out my 11 years as a professional OTR and Owner/Operator truck driver to pursue my dream of custom 4×4 metal fabrication. 34 years young, passionate Overlander, builder, outdoorsman, and Gamer. Libertarian would be the most accurate way to describe my political leanings, and fiercely centrist.


    Good day Patriots. Thank you for allowing me in.


    Hello fellow Patriots and Marxist slayers,

    Thanks for the add. I don’t use social media much but I have found it useful to gather information, uncensored news, and research on topics I’m into. Glad to see a site that has likeminded freedom fighters and motivated liberators.

    God Bless America,

    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    Welcome GD and GregMuffler‼️


    Thanks for the add GrayWolf


    Thank you or inviting me Grey Wolf!

    I believe my two threads in the patriots lodge and my short bio does the best job of letting you into the complicated mind that is me.

    A patriot,obviously. Staunch defender of western values and culture.
    Not a follower of any religion,but not for lack of faith.
    I have unlimited Faith, but i feel uncertain as to where to put it and i believe that Faith alone, is good enough.
    Supporter of Christian values however and the morals (i am aware of all the crimes too,but that is not unique to the church,but to people in power) that it has instilled in the west.

    I would be very happy for people to read my musings and consider replying any thoughts or ideas that come to you even if you disagree or diverge from what i think or espouse. I welcome it. How else can i grow?


    https://patriotroster.com/forums/topic/pontifications-about-george-soros-and-the-ruling-classes-of-the-useurope-etc/  Also digs into Big Tech,geo-politics and faith (kind of,or thought?).


    Patriot MaxMeat here,
    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thnx 4 having me! 29 yr Long haul trucker, ex military, hunter/fisher and outdoorsman! The best way to discribe myself would be constitutionalist! I believe that the constitution is the Supreme Law of these United States. If any other law tries to to take any constitutional law away, then it is our job and responsability to abolish that law!</p>

    Patriot RonPatriot Ron



    <p style=”text-align: center;”>Good morning Patriots,</p>
    Faceless here, I’ve worked in the corrections system and now do youth ministry. Lots of teaching students how to camp and basic survival skills along with the teachings of Jesus.
    I lean towards the conservative-libertarian direction in politics, and I find the constitution to be the best form of law.
    I’m glad to meet the lot of you.


    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    Welcome Faceless…

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