Grey Wolf walk across America!

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  • #1513
    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    I am thinking of uping my game to get people to wake up and put the pressure on the government. I am thinking of doing a “Grey Wolf walk across America” movement. I would live stream every step.

    We tried the Convoy. That did not garner enough support. I would hope to gain enough “PEOPLE” on the walk to number in the MILLIONS by the time I get to DC.

    Is anyone with me⁉️


    Sure, I’d be up for at least discussing the options, what it would look like, etc.
    I suggest bicycles for those who cannot walk long distances… Which makes me think of RAGBRAI, which is a bicycle ride across Iowa, it’s ridiculously popular, towns host them, folks let them camp in their yards. It’s nuts, but in a friendly way.


    Just throwin ideas, never know what might be helpful.



    Yes it is very popular and we see all kinds of riders. They start at Missouri River (kinda) and end at Mississippi River (kinda). Towns are designated as stops and host the bike riders. Everyone is very friendly and it is fun to meet the people who come to Iowa for this event.


    I will support whatever decision you make. Definitely will need discussion.

    1. ❤️🤍💙

    Hey, just gettin’ my feet wet here. The Walk across America sounds like a wonderful idea and the weather is right for it. 🙂


    It was an absolute joy meeting you yesterday, Ron!!

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