[caption id="attachment_1062" align="aligncenter" width="269"]
New York Post article of Hunter Bidens laptop and emails. Emails and Text message that imply that Joe Biden was using Hunter as a “Bag Man” while he was V.P. under Obama‼️[/caption]
Since the New York Post released information about Hunter Bidens laptop, that was recovered in a Delaware MAC repair shop, the majority of the Main Stream Media has refused to report, or even investigate the allegations. Big tech giants blocked access to the New York Post website, in an attempt to keep the American People from finding out that Presidential candidate Joe Biden IS compromised‼️
The American people cannot afford to have a president that is so compromised by foreign governments‼️
Click this link now to see the latest ABC report‼️ ABC Report
With just 3 days left at the time I write this post, WE the people must get the word out to as many Americans as possible. The CANNOT vote for Joe Biden just because they hate Donald Trump‼️ American will be lost‼️