President Trump is Indicted‼️ The U.S. is now a Banana Republic‼️ There is NO going back‼️

March 30, 2023, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicts former President Donald J Trump‼️ This is the first time in American history that a former President has been indicted! So, what is the indictment for? According to CNN, there are 34 counts

Taxation without Representation‼️

Can someone tell me what occurred in 1776 when the crown was taxing the colonies for the sake of the crown in Britain and was giving nothing to the colonies❓ What is different today⁉️ The current Resident and Congress are taking Billions

The Peoples Convoy – The TIP of the spear!

The United States is not alone when it comes to having a tyrannical government.  The laws that have been forced on the people have been nothing short of stifling! With the “Pandemic” we have seen many freedoms and liberties disappear at the

Foreign interference in the US election!

To say it has been a bumpy ride since the U.S. Election on November 3rd, 2020, would be an understatement‼️ Since that day, where 5 states STOPPED the counting in the middle of the night, only to come back with STRAIGHT UP

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