Finally, CDC Admits Just 9,210 Americans Died FROM Covid19

Home Forums 2: Current Events Finally, CDC Admits Just 9,210 Americans Died FROM Covid19

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  • #999
    Patriot RonPatriot Ron

    💥💥💥 The States MUST END the Lockdowns‼️ The CDC finally admits that the Death Counts from Covid-19 only total 9,210 Americans‼️

    This means that the States that are in lockdown and requiring masks have NO reason to continue this BullS&*T‼️

    We MUST hold ALL that participated in this “FEAR Mongering” and “Shuttering” of American Businesses, liable for their deeds. And THEY MUST BE Prosecuted to the fullest extent of the LAW‼️

    See the Full Article Here‼️

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