
Privacy is one of the most important items in our lives, but how do we “connect” in times of need with “like minded” people?

You must be on a “Roster” for the “Command” structure to call out individuals when needed.

This is a VERY touchy issue for a lot of us. But ask yourself this:

Q: How do individuals like those of “ANTIFA” or “BLM” or any other groups communicate and organize?

A: They enroll in a “Roster” and are “Grouped” by some sort of “Command and Control structure.”

When “WE” start our “Patriot Roster” it will NOT be (IN ANY FORM OR FASION) shared or sold‼️ It will be tightly held so that ONLY what is needed to communicate is stored in a secure server. For the Patriots that will stand up for our country.

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